Phiên bản tiếng Quan Thoại (Mandarin version)
Anh không già nếu em không đến (Nǐ bù lái wǒ bù lǎo 你不来我不老)
Trình bày: Cao An (Gao An 高安) & Tây Đan (Xi Dan 西单)
Phiên bản tiếng Quan Thoại (Mandarin version
Em yêu anh nhiều đến nỗi đã khóc bảy lần (Ài nǐ shí fēn lèi qī fēn 愛你十分淚七分)
Trình bày: Khâu Hải Chính – (Donna Chiu 裘海正)
Livin’ is easy if you take the time to wonder
You’re gonna feel stronger
When you’re riding with the blues
‘Cause it’s a long long road
And there’s so many ways To Go
Phiên bản tiếng Quan Thoại (Mandarin vserion)
Tôi đã nhìn thấu (Wǒ yǐ jīng kàn tòu le 我已经看透了)
Trình bày: An Nhĩ Thần (An Er Chen 安兒陳)
Verse 1: Alright you win
You’ll get one song one song my friend
And when the music stops we say goodbye
And then I’ll be moving on with my life
I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine
You better stop the things you do
I ain’t lyin’
No, I ain’t lyin’
Somewhere in the world
Are friends I’ve missed from so long ago
Could be drifting by the wayside
Or even dead, I just don’t know
And now my memories are fading
Like melting footprints in the snow.
Guess, I’m nothing but the shadow baby
The shadow of my former self
Guess, I’m nothing but the shadow baby
The shadow of my former self
Since you left me in the darkness
And gone to someone else.
Another time, another place
The lonely streets where we embraced
Then you would go without a trace
Nothing’s the same without you.
Kindness in your eyes, I guess you heard me cry,
you smiled at me like Jesus to a child.
I’m blessed, I know, heaven sent, heaven stole,
you smiled at me like Jesus to a child.